Dear Mr. and Mrs. ,
I am in full agreement our city has many pressing social needs, including the KAYLA program, for which taxpayer support is warranted. For this reason I hope you will be pleased to learn the proposed dog park will be located on land donated to the city with improvements funded from a private $100,000 fundraising commitment by the Friends of North Asheville Dog Park.
This means that other than a $5,000 contribution towards design work, no other taxpayer contributions are expected. With the donated land valued at upwards of $200,000 and the Friends support another $100,000, I hope you will agree this is a smart deal for taxpayers.
And although you may be opposed to the dog park at this location, there are many residents in support of a dog park in north Asheville. It should also be noted that dog park advocates spent several months searching for a suitable site in the north area of Asheville. This location was the only site found both suited for the intended use and with an owner willing to make it available.
As an elected official, attempting to meet the recreational needs of our growing city, I believe this proposal is worthy of further consideration. As long as reasonable objections are adequately addressed, I will be hard-pressed to oppose this initiative.
Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Chris Pelly,
Asheville City Council
Blackmailing the city and potentially abandoning your own program...really??