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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Response to Councilman Pelly

From: Diane 
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 11:11 AM
Subject: North Asheville Dog Park
To: Chris Pelly <>

Dear Councilman Pelly,
Thank you for your prompt response to my October 19th letter.  Contrary to your implications, I am quite well informed of the issues and controversies surrounding the proposed North Asheville Dog Park.  I first heard of the proposed site in May of this year.   I acquired this information from a neighbor and friend.  I did attend the June meeting at Jones Elementary School.  It was memorable to me for several reasons. I raised my hand numerous times but you chose not to call on me. I can only assume this was because I was sitting behind a group who were strongly opposing the chosen site.  I spoke to you after the meeting about Dr. Hauser's Preliminary Environmental Assessment and found your response to be both condescending and uninformed.  Your response (as well as I can remember it) was "Who is this Dr. Hauser?  I never heard of him." This response has been passed on to the Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society, who recently honored Dr. Hauser for his contributions to the environment at the Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary. EMAS has already written a letter to council opposing the dog park site without a complete and independent environmental assessment.  I was told by president Tom Tribble that this represents a membership of close to 200 individuals.  I had the distinct impression that city employees attending the June meeting already had their minds made up.  This is why we are asking for an independent assessment.

I also attended the September 10th work session.  Dr. Hauser was asked to attend this meeting but council never asked him to speak. (I guess we already have enough Phds in environmental biology on city staff). The concerns expressed by citizens were either glossed over as being small inconveniences or ignored completely. I agree that all of those issues have been discussed many times but adequate answers have not been provided by you, Friends of the Dog Park or city staff.

I also agree with you that my neighbors and all residents of the surrounding community should be kept informed and I am doing my part to do so.  The Lakeview Park Association annual meeting was held on Monday, October 21st. I brought up my concerns about the dog park site and the water quality of Beaver Lake.  (As you must know, the Lakeview Park Commission has already expressed these  concerns to the city).  By a show of hands at the meeting, Lakeview Park residents overwhelmingly opposed developing the dog park without a complete and independent environmental assessment. Flyers have been circulated throughout some communities to "get the word out"  to those who are uninformed.
 We are currently discussing whether we should distribute flyers to the approximately 485 residences in the Lakeview Park community.  It would seem prudent since not all residents attended Monday's meeting and those who did were very concerned about Beaver Lake.  You should know that residents have strong emotions concerning the lake.  It is maintained and protected by homeowners dues with no help from the City of Asheville and yet generously opened to the public.  Any damage to the lake may result in a dramatic increase in dues. A few residents even brought up the option of fencing off the area and making it available only to LVP residents.  This would be a last resort which I hope never occurs.

For the reasons discussed above, I believe a meeting with you at this time would be completely unproductive but I would like to thank you for your offer.



  1. Diane, Steve and I are in TOTAL SUPPORT of you and the Lakeview Park efforts to maintain the viabiltiy of Beaver Lake. We are also land owners in both LP and Beaverdam. I will look up you number in an effort to provide my support. This is yet another impending travesty to private land owners at the hands of our City Commissioners.

    My question, among others, is how would the Commissioners who are in favor of or promoting this feel about having a dog park at the corner of their homes?

    Teri and Steve A.

  2. Just wondering how dog urine is handled at Beaver Lake. I have noticed many people walking dogs there. Of the 485 residences in LVP, do any of those people who have dogs walk their dogs at Beaver Lake? Or is it just other members of the public who take advantage of the generosity of the LVP residents? Maybe the whole area should be fenced and closed to the public in order to enhance the environment so it can be continued to be enjoyed by the 485 residences.
    Also, the horses right on Beaverdam Creek just upstream of the proposed dog park might be contributing to pollution in the creek flowing into the lake. I love horses, but I'm not sure that location is an appropriate place to keep horses.
