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Friday, November 8, 2013

Yes, Stop Sign Is Off-Limits. But Are Other Signs "Vandalism?"

How many signs can YOU find in this picture?
Posting a sign to encourage people to contact the city council is NOT vandalism. There is no defacement of property. It is DEMOCRACY. Disagreement with your position does not warrant a witch hunt. I don't see anybody crying foul about garage sale and political signs, for instance. Has anyone taken the time (or called the city) to rip down the tree trimming ads on the utility poles?

These informational signs serve to notify the neighborhood about the FNADP plans and to encourage our neighbors to make their feelings known to city officials.

Why all this acrimony about a dog park? I live on Wild Cherry Rd. I don't want the added traffic and noise, light,etc on the only road that will take me home. I don't want a 15 car parking lot on the bottom of my street. Are we not entitled to have an opinion- even if it doesn't jibe with yours? These signs are not the same thing as the "defacement" of the stop sign.

How connected must the "Friends" be that they can pick up the phone and the city rushes out to replace a stop sign? It gives me an idea of what anyone who sees the issue differently is up against. 

Note:  This post originally appeared on the Friends of the North Asheville Dog Park (FNADP) facebook page.  It has been deleted by FNADP.  Comments that "address the vandalism" that preceded this post remain.  A subsequent post was made, and it was also deleted.  See that post in Comments below.

1 comment:

  1. This is the next post that FNADP deleted:

    Vicky Pinney: Really, you deleted my comment?! And you leave the comments from people suggest harassing somebody that puts up a sign simply because it represents a dissenting view? It is still on the Responsible Asheville blog. And WHY are you reluctant to say who it is that administers this site? The "Friends" again demonstrate that they simply want to railroad their agenda through with no common courtesy or regard for their neighbors.
    Like · Reply · 54 minutes ago via mobile
