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Monday, November 11, 2013

Let Council know how you feel about this Meeting

Chris Pelly has set up a Meeting Wednesday, Nov 13, 7pm at the Fire Station on Beaverdam Rd.   Former Mayor Chuck Worley is to Chair the meeting.  Supposedly, the dog park issue is not to be discussed. As I understand it, the purpose is:
  • To determine the boundary of the proposed organization.  Bob Roepnack has said it would run east of Elk Mountain Scenic Hwy.  I believe most of us would prefer to include the entire Beaverdam Creek watershed, including the Beaver Lake area.
  • To select a Planning Committee that would set up the organization.  After the framework is in place, a neighborhood election of some sort would be held to select officers.
Several objections have been raised concerning Mr. Worley.  He is regarded by many residents as being pro-development and unfriendly to efforts to preserve wild areas and historic structures.  A professional mediator would be preferred.

The meeting is public, but there has been little to no notice.  This meeting is Chris' meeting, not a City function.  If it were a City-sponsored meeting, it would have publicity and City staff would run the meeting.

Many question the need for a meeting NOW.  Forming a neighborhood association should not be a contest for competing factions to try to gain the upper hand so they might prevail on the dog park issue.  The dog park question should be resolved through normal city procedures using "best practices."  In this process, the residents are heard, and their wishes are respected.  The normal procedures should not be short-circuited by going to Council, before a full assessment by the Parks & Recreation Department and other City staff.

Others question the need for the association to be formed at all.  They question the mechanism by which community sentiment can be better assessed, just because an organization is formed.  Such an organization is likely to be ignored by most residents until some issue arises, and the community learns the organization has already been captured, with all officers partisans.

Please let me know if any conditions or arguments have not been properly depicted in the above text.

Please let Council and Staff know what you think.

Email the entire council at

Marsha Stickford, Neighborhood Coordinator

Answer the Poll at right.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be there tomorrow night, but I have a meeting conflict. I think the Elk Mtn. boundary works. Lakeview seems to be a distinct community and even limiting it to east of Elk Mtn. will make for a large area.

    - Rich Owings
